This is an easy tutorial on how to tie a quick release knot for horses!
First make sure that both ends of your lead rope are across from each other and not touching at all.

Next take the left side of your lead rope and make it into a loop near the top of the lead rope but not to close.

Thread the loop around the top right side of the lead rope and through the hole that you made.

Take the extra lead rope that hangs down (that is not connected to your horse) and thread it through your loop that you made in the 2nd step if you did this correctly you will make another loop under your first loop.

Keep doing that last step until you reach the end by threading the excess lead rope that is not connected to your horse through your loops and your done!

With any quick release knot it should always end like it started, not tangled, twisted but most importantly it should not still be in a knot. (it should look like this at the start and end.)

How to release a quick release knot is by pulling the end like this.

If you’ve done it right it should look like this

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