I thought I’d share some tips & tricks to raising a German Shepherd since they are pretty hard to take care of.
(This was our German Shepherd as a puppy)

Food And Water: The thing you will need to most is food and water bowls. This is so they don’t get dehydrated or hungry.
Toys: Trust me you will need lots of toys because they will just chew through them all. when they are really little they teethe and normally they bite you because of it, so toys are very necessary.
A Crate/Bed. I would recommend a crate since they will not be potty trained and it is Nice for them to be crate trained, you will still have to take them out to go to the bathroom at night either way. My 1 year old German Shepherd still sleeps in a crate and actually enjoys it since they can sleep better in a crate, she is also potty trained now so we don’t have to take her outside at night anymore and usually it take 4-5 months for them to be potty trained but it depends on the dog.
A Leash: You’re always going to need a leash for walking them and many other things that it will come in handy for. On our house there is a long leash so that we can just put her on the leash outside and she can’t run away but she can still enjoy outdoors.
Potty Pads: when they are little your going to need some potty pads in their crate because sometimes you might not be able to take them out from their crate and you don’t want them going to the bathroom in their crate.
Poop Bag: We live somewhere where we don’t really have to pick up her poop since we have so much land it really just turns into dirt and nobody ever steps in it. But if you can’t do that like if you have just a little space of grass outside you’re going to need to pick up their poop with poop bags.
Dog Shampoo: Trust me since German Shepards have a lot of energy they like to run around. in dirt, sand, rocks anything you can think of and you can imagine that they get very dirty so you will need dog shampoo. Depending on your dog you might need a shampoo that is soft on their skin etc.
Treats: Treats will come in handy for training when they go potty outside or they are being good and also for training such as sitting, laying, rolling over.
Collar: Your going to need a collar and that’s pretty self-explanatory but its so if they get lost, you need to take them on walks, you get it.
(This is our German Shepherd now)

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